Translation: Textbook - General. Rough Guide. Book. Published by Alfred Music. AP.74-1843535881.
Translation: If You Like. 232 pages. Published by Limelight Editions. HL.110573. ISBN 0879108118. 5.25x8.25 inches.
Translation: Each book has been compiled by an experienced instrumental teacher. This book for Flute.
Translation: 2014-2017 Syllabus. Sheet Music, Downloads. Various Artists.
Translation: Off the Record with The Beatles, Bowie, Elton. or engineer of six David Bowie albums. Reference Textbooks. 448 pages.
Translation: The Electric Guitar In autodidact - Beginner.
Translation: A Complete Drum Training Session by a World-Class Artist. Instructional. Drum. DVD. DVD. Published by Hal Leonard.