Translation: Wallace, William Vincent Publisher. Plate 2102.
Translation: 1 Piano, 4 Hands. Lauterbach, Johann Publisher. G. Schirmer, 1899.
Translation: Lustgarten New Teutscher Gesäng, balletti, Galliards and Intraden. Dancing and jumping. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Lustgarten New Teutscher Gesäng, balletti, Galliards and Intraden. Dancing and jumping. No.20. Hassler, Hans Leo.
Translation: Lustgarten New Teutscher Gesäng, balletti, Galliards and Intraden. Dancing and jumping. Hassler, Hans Leo.
Translation: Lustgarten New Teutscher Gesäng, balletti, Galliards and Intraden. Dancing and jumping. Scores and Parts. Hassler, Hans Leo.
Translation: Old and new dances, Op.57.
Translation: 3 New Spanish Dances, Op.65.
Translation: New Hungarian Dances.
Translation: Air dance. 20 new Parts.
Translation: Angloises new dances for 1783.
Translation: "New Year's Dance". for Voice and Piano. Struve.
Translation: Danced variation "Pizzicati" from "Sylvia". Edward Schuberth & Co., 1883. Plate E.S. & Co. 1275.
Translation: Crucifixus section of Credo is SSAA.
Translation: Picadilly. From Aberdeen.