Translation: D'Amours is me.
Translation: I do love me and keep.
Translation: Pictures at an Exhibition - Pictures at an exhibition. Flute and Piano. Dewagtere, Bernard. Main sheet music.
Translation: Pictures at an Exhibition - Pictures at an exhibition. Violin and Piano. Dewagtere, Bernard. Main sheet music.
Translation: Pictures at an Exhibition - Pictures at an exhibition. Piano solo. Dewagtere, Bernard. Main sheet music.
Translation: Pictures at an Exhibition - Pictures at an exhibition. Clarinet, Piano. Dewagtere, Bernard. Main sheet music.
Translation: Small full play to the Amen. Journal organ No.3. The Magnificat in G minor. Beauvarlet-Charpentier, Jean-Jacques.
Translation: Full play, dialogue. Organ Book. Other parts.
Translation: Full play, dialogue. Organ Book. Other parts. Mass Premier Ton.
Translation: Pastoral. This song can be played at a wedding Mass or during a procession. 5th Delivery. Organ Scores.
Translation: Full play trumpet in size. Organ Book Limoges. Parts 1 tone.
Translation: Play accompaniment to a solemn Mass. Morandi, John.
Translation: Gallaria d 'Amor, Lower joyful. The pupil of Gasparo Zannetti for will know how to play the violin, and others stromenti.
Translation: Aria del Gran Duca . The pupil of Gasparo Zannetti for will know how to play the violin, and others stromenti.
Translation: The real way to learn to play to perfection.
Translation: Great game that you can play at the Offertory. First Book Organ, Op.16. Магнификат Ми 3. Correct, Michel.
Translation: Full play to 3 parts. Journal organ No.7. III. Pange lingua - Himne the day of Corpus Christi. Beauvarlet-Charpentier, Jean-Jacques.