Translation: Tic-Toc-Choc or Maillotins. Third book of harpsichord pieces.
Translation: Tic-Toc-Choc or The Maillotins. 5 Pieces Harpsichord.
Translation: Parts Harpsichord XVIII Order. Harpsichord, Piano, Clavichord. Main sheet music.
Translation: Piano or harpsichord or organ. Ordre V, 8. Le Bavolet-flotant. Ordre IX, 8. Les Tricoteuses. Ordre XXIII, 2.
Translation: Schott Music GmbH. Legacy Edition.
Translation: Francois Couperin. Novato Music Press. Piano Solo.
Translation: Piano Solo sheet music. 1668-1733. For piano. Classical. Score. 4 pages. Published by Editions Combre. LM.P01315.
Translation: Tic Toc Choc The Maillotins. Magali Le Roy # 04173014. Published by Magali Le Roy.
Translation: Tic-Toc-Choc, Or The Maillotins. The Couperin. Organ Solo sheet music. Piano sheet music. Advanced. 1668-1733. Masterworks.
Translation: Music for flute. ou Les maillotins, Les bagatelles, Le rossignol-en-amour. Music for flute. 1668-1733. Edited by Hans Peter Schmitz.