Translation: Final. The Lombards at the first crusade. How could an angel. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Verdi, Giuseppe.
Translation: The Lombards at the first crusade. How could an angel. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Come inanti of alba ruggiadosa. How inanti.
Translation: Come inanti of alba ruggiadosa. How inanti. Marenzio, Luca.
Translation: "As before". lang. L. Pandzeri.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Madonna was coming to my languish.
Translation: As before.
Translation: Or that he remains envious of you the sun - Part One. But you, as lor yourself and you - Part Two. Choir sheet music. For 5 Voices.
Translation: You, you're dead CARO. and as in life - Part One. They put me talking. And those who listen to me - Part Two. Voice sheet music.
Translation: Li Madrigals for 4 voices. Venice 1564. Ah, nice liberties, as thou hast -. He who does not think I lec'ascoltar - Part Two. Paul Boy.
Translation: Hal Leonard. Legacy. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: Come Prima, Come Prima I know happiness. Sandro Taccani , Vincenzo Di Paola. Patrizio Buanne. Hal Leonard. Plan.