Translation: " he cries, "'Tis my faithful sheepdog Shep come to guide me home. Plan. Secular , Partsong. Language.
Translation: I will not be the girl stuck at home in the 'burbs. With the baby, the dog and a garden of herbs. from The Last Five Years.
Translation: Plan. Solero.
Translation: Here's my hand, take and use me, I'm coming back home. Plan. Chords. Solero. English.
Translation: She called me "Kansas". She said that I reminded her of home. Michael Dulaney , Aaron Lines , Michael Gerald Lunn. Control.
Translation: Pagan baby, come on home with me. Pagan baby, take me for a ride. Creedence Clearwater Revival. English.
Translation: Come with me or go alone, he's come to take his children home. Grateful Dead. Alfred Publishing Co..
Translation: Come and drive me home Inside, where it's warm, wrap myself in you. English. Solero. Guitar Tab.
Translation: FLT. A popular collection of 47 folk songs arranged in big-note, easy style for the beginning student. Lark. Aura Lee.
Translation: One hundred favourite melodies for C instruments including Recorder, Flute, Violin & Oboe.