Translation: The little books with the BIG songs. Flow Gently, Sweet Afton. Git Along Little doggies. Haul Away, Joe.
Translation: Dream A Little Dream Of Me. Git Along Little Dogies. Glad to Be a Woman. Haul Away Joe. There's A Woman.
Translation: Old Joe Clarke. Hush Little Baby. C-Line Woman. The Deaf Woman's Courtship. I Love Little Willie.
Translation: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms. Shake That Little Foot.
Translation: Dream A Little Dream Of Me. Five Little Ducks. Git Along Little Dogies. Glad to Be a Woman.
Translation: Sweet Lil Woman. With A Little Help From My Friends. Have A Little Faith In Me. Smart PianoSoft. For Disklavier.
Translation: Little Burnt Potato. The Land Of Sweet Erin. Cotton-Eyed Joe. Joe Pete's Reel. The Sweetness Of Mary.