Translation: God bless Rugby. God bless Rugby composed by Claude Bolling. RM.BOLL00946-CO. Arranged by Laurent Delbecq.
Translation: Companion, When the Roses Bloom. Companion, When the Roses Bloom composed by Claude Bolling. Arranged by Robert Martin.
Translation: Tiger Brigades. Arranged by Thierry Muller. For concert band. Film and TV Music. Conductor's score. Duration 5 minutes.
Translation: Composed by Claude Bolling. Cello sheet music. Flute sheet music. Piano sheet music. Violin sheet music. Flute Part Only.
Translation: Flute. Here, the Flute part has been extracted and is available separately for the first time.
Translation: Two Pianos.
Translation: Companion, When the Roses Bloom. Companion, When the Roses Bloom composed by Claude Bolling. For concert band.
Translation: God bless Rugby. God bless Rugby composed by Claude Bolling. Arranged by Laurent Delbecq. For concert band. Film and TV Music.
Translation: This suite was recorded by Claude Bolling, along with Jean-Pierre Rampal, the world renowned flutist. DRUMS. BASS.
Translation: Claude Bolling - Sonata for Two Pianists, No. 2 by Claude Bolling. Piano sheet music. Keyboard.
Translation: Сюита для флейты. This suite was recorded by Bolling, along with Jean-Pierre Rampal, the world renowned flutist. Piano sheet music.
Translation: Tiger Brigades. Arranged by Thierry Muller. For concert band. Film and TV Music. Full set. Duration 5 minutes.