Translation: voices chorus SATB, Tenor solo.
Translation: Vespers of the Blessed Virgin. Mixed together. Sacred , Motet , Vespers. Language. Latin. SSAATTBB.
Translation: While the melody uses chant-like phrases throughout, the opening theme is loosely inspired by the Ave Maris Stella chant.
Translation: Hail, Star of the Sea. Composed by Otto Olsson. For Choral.
Translation: William Hawley. A Cappella sheet music. SATB DV A Cappella. Boosey . 8 pages. Буси. Published by Boosey .
Translation: Voice Mixed Chorus a cappella Double. which has a companion Ave maris stella devised for separate performance. SATB.
Translation: which has a companion Ave maris stella devised for separate performance. 1284 725725 to check availability.
Translation: Ave maris stella, Ave verum corpus, Ave Maria. Composed by Robert Sund. For Choral. Choral. Softcover.
Translation: for voice.
Translation: Treasury of Popular Classics for Piano edited by Denes Agay. Keyboard. Music Sales America. Classical, Musicals, Folk. Softcover. 112 pages.
Translation: Clarinet Solo sheet music. Piano sheet music. Easy Pieces for the Early Grades. Composed by Nicholas Hare. For Clarinet, Piano.
Translation: Trombone sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Trombone and Piano. Composed by Various.
Translation: Trumpet Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Trumpet and Piano. Composed by Nicholas Hare. For Piano, Trumpet.
Translation: The Sweetness Of Mary. Ann Marie Macdonald Jig. Stella's Trip To Kamloops. Ken Perlman. Fiddle sheet music.
Translation: Vespers of the Blessed Virgin. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Vespers of the Blessed Virgin.
Translation: Verses on Ave Maris Stella. Set of 6 Chorus Parts. Choir sheet music. For SSAAA choir. Published by Musik Fabrik.