Translation: Plan. Violet. Violin I. Violin II.
Translation: PROLOGUE WITH RECITATIVE "King John’s vow to the Barons". Choir orchestra. High. Baritone Solo. Plan. Tenor.
Translation: FINAL. “Now Valour, Youth and Life’s delight”. High. Plan.
Translation: SOPRANO. GRAHAM GARTON. Choir orchestra. HIGH. Plan. Solo Baritone. TENOR.
Translation: Bass Trombone. Bassoons I. Double Bass. Soprano. GRAHAM GARTON. Choir orchestra. High. Clarinets in A I.
Translation: Soprano. GRAHAM GARTON. High. Organ. Pedals. Tenor.
Translation: Bass Drum. Bass Trombone. Bassoons I. Double Bass. Soprano. GRAHAM GARTON. Choir orchestra. High.
Translation: Bass Trombone. Bassoons I. Soprano. Soprano. - "FAIR IS OUR LOT’. GRAHAM GARTON. Choir orchestra. High.
Translation: Bass Trombone. Bassoons I. Double Bass. Soprano. - "TO MAKE THE PEOPLE FITTEST TO CHOOSE". GRAHAM GARTON. High.
Translation: SOPRANO. GRAHAM GARTON. HIGH. Organ. Pedals. Solo Baritone.
Translation: "Nocturnal", for orchestra, chorus and soprano bass, score. E. Varese.
Translation: Bass solo. Sopranos. Vocal Score. In memoriam Henri Dutilleux.
Translation: Tenor Sax.
Translation: Vocal Scores. Mass in B minor. The Great Catholic Mass. BWV 232. BC.E1.
Translation: Incessabili voce proclaiming. unisonus leakage will be found among the three sopranos, two altos also mimic, and tenor.
Translation: For Four-Part Chorus of Mixed Voices, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass Soli. Litany In B Flat. Sheet Music. SOP. HIGH. TEN.
Translation: Choir. William Slogrove. Cello.