Translation: Included are clapping and knee-bouncing songs, fingerplays, action songs, tunes for dancing, and even songs for taking a bath.
Translation: A Ram Sam Sam. A-Rovin'. Ain't You Got a Right. All I Ask Of You. All I Really Need.
Translation: Each song in a fake book only has a single melody actually written out in notes, which is usually the vocal or lead melody.
Translation: The lyrics are large and easy to read during a performance. A Hundred Miles. I'm Bound To Ride.
Translation: Trade. Acis and Galatea, Act I - Contents. Acis and Galatea, Act I - 2. Acis and Galatea, Act I - 3.
Translation: A La Claire Fontaine. A Ram Sam Sam. A-Rovin'. Ain't You Got a Right. All I Ask Of You.
Translation: ” I said, “Yes. I would be delighted to do so. I said, “Great.
Translation: I've Got the World on a String. The Lady Is a Tramp. A Word that means the World to me. I Got Spurs.
Translation: Ah You Shall I, Mom. I Gave My Love A Cherry. I Know Where I'm Going. A Paper Of Pins.
Translation: 6 Songs, Op. 3 - 2a. Love and Spring I. Love and Spring I. As the cloud after the sun. At a aolsharfe.