Translation: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, the amazing choc'latier. Plan. Vocal. Voice.
Translation: "Of all of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory arrangements, this one is my favorite. Plan. MN0050701.
Translation: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Soundtrack. - Digital Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, range.
Translation: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, the amazing choc'latier. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, range. A3-E5. MN0050699.
Translation: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. A3-Bb5. MN0050698.
Translation: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. Bb3-B5. MN0050698_U1.
Translation: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. Ab3 A5. MN0050698_D1.
Translation: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. Gb3-G5. MN0050698_D3.
Translation: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. F3-F. MN0050698_D4.
Translation: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. B3-E5. MN0050698_D6.
Translation: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. B3-C6. MN0050698_U2.
Translation: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. Db4-D6. MN0050698_U4.