Translation: This is the Polish Easter Chant. in Latvian.
Translation: This is very nice and joyful chant for Eastertide.
Translation: This is the Hymn sung in the Easter day and in the solemnity of Holy Trinity. Sunday after Pentecost.
Translation: Based on a traditional Polish Christmas carol, Gdy śliczna Panna.
Translation: This is a nice Christmas Carol in Latvian "Holy night".
Translation: This is a romantic Christmas Carol in Latvian.
Translation: This is a Mass in honour of Our Lady of Aglona – the biggest Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Latvia.
Translation: SATB plus Choral soprano solo. Polish traditional Christmas Carol „Bóg się rodzi” in Latvian.
Translation: Original text and translations. Nāc, Jēzu Kristu, Mesija,. Sacred, Song. Language.