Translation: Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Glinka, Mikhail.
Translation: Simpson, Daniel Leo.
Translation: "Farewell tae Tarwathie" for Flute, Oboe, Cello. "Farewell tae Tarwathie" for Flute, Oboe, Cello. Harp Part.
Translation: Farewell.
Translation: Farewell. Griitzmacher. Schumann, Robert.
Translation: Farewell. Griitzmacher. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Farewell, Op.26.
Translation: The farewell.
Translation: Cello. The farewell, G.26.
Translation: Farewell. Memories of Oranienbaum, Op.17.
Translation: Farewell to Naples, Op.27.
Translation: Complete Score and Parts. Preston, n. Complete Score. The Return to Ulster.
Translation: Complete Score. The Elfin Fairies. Oh harp of Erin. The pulse of an Irishman. Oh.