Translation: English. 0-7579-9698-1. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Chords. You light me up and then I fall for you. You lay me down and then I call for you.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Piano, range. C#2-G5. Voice, range. G#3-C#5.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice. MN0042418_U3. Compatible. C Major.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice. MN0042418_U5. Compatible. D Major.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice. MN0042418_U8. Compatible. F Major.
Translation: Vanessa Carlton. Vanessa Carlton. Richard Bradley. Piano Solo sheet music.
Translation: Vanessa Carlton - Be Not Nobody by Vanessa Carlton. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. For Piano. Vocal.