Translation: Couperin, Louis.
Translation: Chime. 24 Pieces in Free Style, Op.31.
Translation: 12 Christmases with Carillon dead. my neighbor are you angry.
Translation: Where the gays go shepherds. 12 Christmases with Carillon dead.
Translation: Or tell us Mary. 12 Christmases with Carillon dead.
Translation: For the Love of Mary. 12 Christmases with Carillon dead.
Translation: Sing, please. 12 Christmases with Carillon dead.
Translation: In the coming Christmas. 12 Christmases with Carillon dead.
Translation: Several carols in tambourine. 12 Christmases with Carillon dead.
Translation: Joseph is married. 12 Christmases with Carillon dead.
Translation: Let your beasts to pasture. 12 Christmases with Carillon dead.
Translation: 12 Christmases with Carillon dead. When Jesus was born at Christmas.
Translation: 12 Christmases with Carillon dead.
Translation: 12 Christmases with Carillon dead. Your goodness great God.
Translation: 12 Christmases with Carillon dead. Christmas Switzerland. It is a little Angel. Beauvarlet-Charpentier, Jean-Jacques.
Translation: Carillon dead. 12 Christmases with Carillon dead. for Saints. Beauvarlet-Charpentier, Jean-Jacques.
Translation: Shaped entrance chime. 10 Pieces for Organ.