Translation: Trumpet 2. Trumpet 3. BWV 43. Main sheet music. Choral score.
Translation: For SA vocal alone, SATB choir, 2 trumpet, timpani, violin 2, viola, continuo. Trumpet. Choir sheet music.
Translation: with optional trumpet. "Cantate Deo, Sing alleluia, lift your voice and sing with joy forevermore.
Translation: For SA vocal alone, SATB choir, 2 trumpet, timpani, violin 2, viola, continuo. Choir sheet music. Percussion sheet music.
Translation: Cantata No.. 59 Whoever loves me will keep my word, BWV 59. For 2 trumpet, timpani, strings. Johann Sebastian Bach. 1685-1750.
Translation: Cantata No.. 126 receiving us, Lord, in Thy Word, BWV 126. For 2 oboe, trumpet,. Johann Sebastian Bach. Choir sheet music.
Translation: Cantata No.. 172 Erschallet, ihr Lieder, BWV 172. For 3 trumpet, timpani, organ obl, strings. Choir sheet music.
Translation: Cantata No.. 15 For you shall my soul, BWV 15. For 3 trumpet, timpani, strings. Choir sheet music. Percussion sheet music.
Translation: Soprano Voice sheet music. He was Called Jesus, A Sacred Cantata, Instrumental Parts composed by Samuel Micah Hunter.
Translation: Soprano Voice sheet music. He was Called Jesus, A Sacred Cantata, Full Score composed by Samuel Micah Hunter.
Translation: Wake up. For trumpet, bass voice and B.C.. Johann Sebastian Bach. Choir sheet music. Wake up.
Translation: Edited by Jonathan Pia. For soprano voice, trumpet and basso continuo. Choir sheet music. Piano and Keyboard sheet music.
Translation: So loschet the judge rachende. Voice Solo sheet music. For trumpet, bass voice and B.C.. Johann Sebastian Bach.