Translation: Bass. Bass Trombone. Bassoons I. Clarinets in Bb I. Double Bass.
Translation: PROLOGUE WITH RECITATIVE "King John’s vow to the Barons". High. Baritone Solo. Bass. Plan. Soprano. Tenor.
Translation: GRAHAM GARTON. Baritone. Plan.
Translation: Plan. S. II.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: FINAL. “Now Valour, Youth and Life’s delight”. High. Plan. Soprano.
Translation: " Vocal Score. GRAHAM GARTON. HIGH. BASS. Plan. Solo Baritone. SOPRANO. TENOR.
Translation: "To make the people fittest to choose". Plan. Plan.
Translation: or Glock or Piano RH 8ves in alt. GRAHAM GARTON. Baritone Solo. Bass Trombone. Bassoons I. Clarinets in A I. Double Bass. Flutes I.
Translation: High. Bass Trombone. Bassoons I. Celesta. Clarinets in Bb I.