Translation: Continuous. New music and new way of writing. Love the wings m'impenna.
Translation: New music and new way of writing. Love the wings m'impenna. Scores and Parts.
Translation: New music and new way of writing. Love the wings m'impenna.
Translation: Soprano only. New music and new way of writing. Love the wings m'impenna.
Translation: The new music.
Translation: The new music. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: The New Music. The New Music composed by Giulio Caccini.
Translation: The new music. The new music. composed by Giulio Caccini. Florence, 1601, 1614.
Translation: Sacred Music. Giulio Caccini's 'Ave Maria' has been one the most often played tunes at funerals. 1545-1618.
Translation: Catalogue New Band Music Vol. 9. Recorded on The Silken Ladder. Arranged by Willy Hautvast.
Translation: Favorite Songs and Arias from the Famous Parisotti Collection. With two companion CDs of the piano accompaniments.
Translation: 28 Italian Songs . Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Based on the Editions by Alessandro Parisotti Medium Voice, Book.