Translation: C. Ph. E Bach 's Flute Concerto In D Minor , Piano reduction with catalogue. Piano Accompaniment. FLT.
Translation: Created in 1747, but unpublished until 1763, it heralds the sentimental style of a new era, compared to the ca.
Translation: Composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Arranged by Reinhard Matthias Ruf. For Flute. The Flute.
Translation: The Flotenmaus. Schools for flute. Schools for flute. Flute and piano.
Translation: In 1756 - at the age of 16 - Anna Bon made herself heard of for the first time with the publication of the six sonatas for flute op.
Translation: For 2 Flutes, 2 Oboes, Bassoon, 2 Horns, Strings and Basso continuo. Double Bass sheet music. Horn sheet music. D Major.