Translation: Language. English. Part 1 is for 5 voices, part 2 for 6.
Translation: English. Madrigal in three parts. Prima pars.
Translation: I Thought That Love Had Been a Boy composed by William Byrd. Eighth. 4 pages. Published by E.C. Schirmer Publishing.
Translation: 1540-1623. Edited by G. E. P. Arkwirght. The Old English Edition series, edited by G. E. P. Arkwright. Choral octavo. BB.OEE6.
Translation: Piano Accompaniment. PFA. J.A. Callcott.
Translation: I thought that Love had been a boy with blinded eyes. Novato Music Press. Solero. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: William Byrd offers a beautiful setting for the motet, “O Gloriosa Domina. Edited by Jameson Marvin. For Choral. Mark Foster.