Translation: Brown, George.
Translation: Secular, Song.
Translation: Tom Blackburn.
Translation: The simple lines and rich harmonic underlay will linger long after the final “dona eis requiem. 10.
Translation: You don’t say nothin’, you don’t stand tall. You don’t get measles you don’t get wed. English.
Translation: Walt Disney Music Publishing. Look and listen, and always use your. head. Look at the signal.
Translation: Lead Sheet. Johnny Tremain of old Boston town, remember his. name, he fought in homespun brown.
Translation: Walt Disney Music Publishing. Born on a mountain top in Tennessee, greenest state in the. Land of the Free. English.
Translation: Lead Sheet. In our castle in Spain you’ll be living rent free. Ev-’ry capital gain you’ll share with me.
Translation: Fox. Solero. Out of the night when the full moon is bright comes the horseman known as Zorro. English.
Translation: Walt Disney Music Publishing. Solero. When you have a busy, busy day, here is how to. turn your work to play. English.
Translation: Walt Disney Music Publishing. Lead Sheet. I wonder, I wonder, I. wonder why each little bird has a someone to sing to,. English.
Translation: Piano, Vocal.
Translation: Piano, Vocal. PVG. RHM. --.