Translation: - Amazing Grace - America The Beautiful - Ancient Of Days - And Can I Be That I Shoul Gain.
Translation: - Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation - Christ Returneth. Everybody Sing Praise To The Lord. The Lord Is King.
Translation: When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder. Nothing But The Blood. The Lily Of The Valley. Whiter Than Snow.
Translation: Most people know the tunes to hundreds of songs, but know the words to only a few. The Activity Room.
Translation: Let The Lower Lights Be Burning. Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know. Nothing But The Blood. Whiter Than Snow.
Translation: If you like to sing with friends, this is the book you've always wanted. The Activity Room. After the Ball is Over.
Translation: The Real Books are the best-selling jazz books of all time. How High the Moon.
Translation: Wedding . Can You Feel the Love Tonight. The Hawaiian Wedding Song. The Keeper of the Stars.
Translation: The Real Books are the best-selling jazz books of all time.