Translation: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth. I've Got Peace Like A River. Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know.
Translation: All Things Bright and Beautiful. Back Home Again. Be Kind to Your Parents from Fanny. Be Prepared.
Translation: She'll Be Comin' Around The Mountain When She Comes. Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me. Since I've Been In The Army.
Translation: Trade. Acis and Galatea, Act I - 3. Acis and Galatea, Act I - 4. Where shall I seek the charming fair.
Translation: All I Really Need. All Things Bright and Beautiful. Back Home Again. Be Kind to Your Parents from Fanny.
Translation: You won't even notice the difference. I Remember You. I Thought About You. If I Should Lose You.
Translation: The most comprehensive single-volume blues publication ever, with songs spanning the entire history of the genre.