Translation: flute, oboe, clarinet in Bb. Pick and Mix series. Oboe sheet music. from 3 Sketches. 1879-1941.
Translation: flute, oboe, bassoon. Oboe sheet music. 1879-1941. Arranged by Anna Cooper. For wind trio.
Translation: 2 flutes, alto flute. 1879-1941. Arranged by Cooper. Flutets. Grade 8 to 9.
Translation: Colonel Bogey March composed by Kenneth J. Alford. Movies, Pop. Grade 3. Score and set of parts. Published by Kendor Music Inc. KN.14509.
Translation: Use the etudes as a bridge to solos of the masters that are usually more complicated and involved.
Translation: Horn sheet music. Oboe sheet music. For Wind Quintet. Arranged by Russell Denwood.