Translation: Published by Noten Roehr. NR.82476. With Language.
Translation: Piano sheet music. For piano, voice, and guitar. chords only. Alternative. 6 pages. Published by Hal Leonard - Digital Sheet Music.
Translation: Amsterdam - On next - Bigotes - Bonbons - Bourg. Voice sheet music. For voice. I sing. Jazz. Lyrics and chords only.
Translation: Jacques Brel Is Alive . Jacques Brel Is Alive. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music.
Translation: Amsterdam - Bourgeois - Brussels - Le Plat Pays - Jef - Madeleine - Le Plat Pays - Marieke - The Quete - The Old. Top Interpetes.
Translation: The Greatest Success. 19 der groten Erfolge von Jaques Brel, z. B. Amsterdam, Ne Me Quitte Pas, Isabelle und Seul.
Translation: An essential collection of songs by Jacques Brel, arranged for piano, voice and guitar. GRAND JACQUES. For Piano.
Translation: Sammlung mit 24 Hits von Jaques Brel, mit den Titeln Les Vieux, Marieke, Au Printemps, Le Prochain Amour u. Voice sheet music.