Translation: Excuse Me While I Break My Own Heart Tonight by Ryan Adams and Whiskeytown. For guitar. chords only. Country.
Translation: Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart. Alas, And Did My Savior Bleed. The King Of Love My Shepherd Is.
Translation: Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Elton John by Elton John. For Piano. Vocal.
Translation: Back In Your Own Backyard. Has Anybody Seen My Girl. Me And My Shadow.
Translation: Benson Hymnals.
Translation: Give Me Oil in My Lamp. Have Thine Own Way, Lord. He Hideth My Soul. He'll Break Through The Blue.
Translation: Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart. Take My Life and Let It Be. This Is My Father's World.
Translation: a parody of a Gilbert and Sullivan song. Alto Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Intermediate.
Translation: When All Thy Mercies, O My God. Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart. Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven.
Translation: Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven. This Is My Father's World. Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart.
Translation: The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want. Sun of My Soul. My Shepherd Will Supply My Need. Be Still My Soul.
Translation: Pop . Un-Break My Heart. The Wind Beneath My Wings. Un-Break My Heart.