Translation: With the arrow, the bow. 12 Little fantasies of popular folk songs, Op.49.
Translation: The Bow, Its History, Manufacture .
Translation: Mendelssohn, Felix.
Translation: Thomas Ravenscroft. Facsimiles. The Music of Thomas Ravenscroft - The Whole Booke of Psalmes. List of music.
Translation: This setting was published on pp2-3 of Thomas Clark's A Second Set of Psalm Tunes , London.
Translation: A setting of Psalm 8 in the metrical New Version, by Joseph Stephenson, from pages 34-35 of his Church Harmony Sacred to Devotion.
Translation: Sacred , Canon. English. AAAB or TTTB. A four part canon, four in two.
Translation: Sacred Oratory.
Translation: An anthem derived from Byrd's motet "Civitas sancti tui".