Translation: Serenade four gentlemen, for male quartet and piano. Borodin.
Translation: TTBB. Schott Chorblattreihe. Choral Music. Choral Score. 2 pages.
Translation: Serenade - The bells from the cathedral. Serenade - The bells from the cathedral composed by Alexander Borodin.
Translation: Plan. Piano Solo.
Translation: Violin Solo sheet music. 1833-1887. Arranged by Jascha Heifetz. For Violin, Piano. The Jascha Heifetz Series.
Translation: Preface.
Translation: Cello Solo sheet music. Piano sheet music. 1833-1887. For cello. plan. Score . Published by Masters Music Publications Inc.. MT.M1959-SET.
Translation: Alto Saxophone sheet music. Level II. Composed by Acton E. Ostling and Fred Weber. For Saxophone. Method.
Translation: Alexander Borodin's Scherzo in A-flat major and his Petite Suite. Serenade, Allegretto, D flat major. Advanced. 1833-1887.
Translation: Baroque . Baroque . Everybody's Favorite Series, Volume 155. Arranged by Leo Alfassy.
Translation: Beginning. 24 Well Known Masterpieces. Arranged by Carol Matz.
Translation: Easy Piano sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Beginning.