Translation: PNOCHD. 2 pages. Published by Hal Leonard - Digital Sheet Music. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere.
Translation: I lost all faith in my god, in his religion too. If I don't believe in Jesus, how can I believe the Pope.
Translation: I lost all faith in my god, in his religion too, I told the angels they could sing their songs to someone new. 0-7579-9542-X..
Translation: I’ll believe when you don’t believe in anything. Hal Leonard , Universal. 0-7119-7534-5. Solero. Guitar Tab.
Translation: I just can’t believe it was all a lie. I believe in you. Hal Leonard , Universal. 0-7119-7534-5. Guitar Tab.
Translation: Tonight, I Celebrate My Love. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.
Translation: Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate. '80s Metal by Various. For Guitar. Hal Leonard Guitar Recorded Versions.