Translation: No.10 - On the Beautiful Blue Danube. Schütt, Eduard.
Translation: Main sheet music. Flute part.
Translation: Main sheet music.
Translation: bass part. cello part. viola part. 1st violin part.
Translation: Improvisation on the waltz "On the Beautiful Blue Danube '.
Translation: Following Waltz and Cortege-Blues 'Viennese' Op.49bis.
Translation: Clouds in the blue. Waltz. From the movie Moscow Saga. A. Zhurbin, Aksenov and P. Sinyavskii. Instr. A. Komlev -. Instr.
Translation: On the Beautiful Blue Danube. Waltz. Johann Strauss. son. Josef Weil. Instr. E. Vilkovir - - -. Full score.
Translation: Blue Night. Waltz. B. Agapkin - - -. Full score.
Translation: Blue Night. Waltz. B. Agapkin - - -. Party tools.
Translation: Blue distance. Waltz. L. Chernetskii. son. Instr. Z. Binkina - - -. Full score.
Translation: Blue distance. Waltz. L. Chernetskii. son. Instr. Z. Binkina - - -. Party tools.