Translation: Keith Richards , Mick Jagger. Lead Sheet. Legacy Edition. As I stand by your flame, I get burned once again. Feelin' low down. English.
Translation: I hear the click-clack of your feet on the stairs. Keith Richards , Mick Jagger. Lead Sheet. Legacy Edition. English.
Translation: Keith Richards , Mick Jagger. Lead Sheet. Legacy Edition. So now that she has gone, you wont be sad for long, for maybe just. English.
Translation: The Rolling Stones. Blues Rock. The Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers. - Digital Sheet Music.
Translation: Keith Richards , Mick Jagger. English. Guitar Tab. Vocal.
Translation: Book.
Translation: Confessin 'The Blues - The Complete Works 1963-2013.
Translation: Blues Rock. The Rolling Stones - Let It Bleed. The Rolling Stones Fakebook. Leadsheet.
Translation: The Rolling Stones - The Rolling Stones No. 2. The Rolling Stones Fakebook.
Translation: Blues Rock. The Rolling Stones - England's Newest Hit Makers. The Rolling Stones Fakebook.
Translation: The Rolling Stones Fakebook. - Digital Sheet Music. Melody. Chords. Voice, range. F3-F.
Translation: The Rolling Stones - Let It Bleed. The Rolling Stones Fakebook. - Digital Sheet Music. Leadsheet.
Translation: The Rolling Stones - England's Newest Hit Makers. The Rolling Stones Fakebook. Leadsheet. Lyrics.
Translation: The Rolling Stones - Aftermath. The Rolling Stones Fakebook. - Digital Sheet Music. Lyrics.
Translation: The Rolling Stones - The Rolling Stones. - Digital Sheet Music. Leadsheet. Lyrics. Melody. Chords.
Translation: It is the evening of the day. The Rolling Stones - December's Children. - Digital Ukulele Tab. Ukulele.
Translation: The Rolling Stones - The Rolling Stones, Now. The Rolling Stones Fakebook.
Translation: If I was the sun way up there,. Blues Rock. The Rolling Stones - Out of Our Heads. - Digital Sheet Music.