Translation: Charles Edward Daniels , Tommy Crain , Taz DiGregorio , Charlie Heyward , Jack Gavin. English. Solero. Lead Sheet.
Translation: An Inspiring Method to Playing the Drums, Guided by the Legends. On the Beaten Path. The Meters.
Translation: The swapping song. Turn the glasses over. By the clear running fountain. Keep the ball a-rolling.
Translation: is the revolutionary series of masterworks on CD- or DVD-ROM that transforms a PC or MAC computer into a virtual music library.
Translation: The ultimate collection of over 1,000 folksongs perfect for performers, school teachers, and hobbyists. All Through the Night.
Translation: Published by Backbeat Books.
Translation: An Inspiring Method to Playing the Drums, Guided by the Legends. On the Beaten Path. The Blues Brothers.
Translation: Also included are the original source recordings from which the transcriptions taught in the lesson were taken.
Translation: CD Included with the book contains 37 melodies played by the following artists. Swingin' Till The Girls Come Home.
Translation: The collection features information about solfege, form, phrase, length, range, rhythmic construction, and more.
Translation: The largest collection of piano scores contained on a single DVD-ROM for listening or printing, royalty free and without restriction.