Translation: Ray Charles.
Translation: Ray Charles. jazz composition for piano.
Translation: Urban Blues. - Digital Sheet Music. Plan. MN0095173. Does not contain lyrics. Compatible. Bb Major.
Translation: Voice, range. E4-G5. C Instrument.
Translation: Those happy hours that we once knew, though long ago, still make me blue. Ukulele. Legacy Edition. English.
Translation: Ray Charles - The Birth Of Soul.
Translation: Now blue ain't the word for the way that I eel, and the storm's brewing in this heart of mine. Plan. Voice, range. C4-Eb5.
Translation: Ray Charles - The Genius Hits the Road. Plan. Vocal. Chords. Voice.
Translation: - Digital Beginner Notes. Plan. Chords. Beginner Notes. Voice, range.
Translation: - Digital Beginner Notes. Plan. Vocal. Chords. Beginner Notes. Voice, range. Bb3-C5.