Translation: This tune was first published on p51 of William Billings' The Continental Harmony , Boston. SATB.
Translation: This setting was published on p50 of William Billings' The Continental Harmony , Boston. SATB.
Translation: Words by Isaac Watts, 1719, his Hymn 9 from Book 1 of Hymns and Spiritual Songs. English.
Translation: Sacred , Hymn Meter. Language. English. SATB.
Translation: the last stanza in Billings is sacred. Secular , Anthem Meter. L.M. Language.
Translation: Words by James Relly, 1776, his Hymn 55, based on Song of Solomon 8. Language. SATB. 14.
Translation: Your choir is sure to find success with this creative and inspirational arrangement of a sacred song. A Cappella sheet music.
Translation: Because He Lives composed by William. 2-part. Funeral, Easter, Sacred. Eighth. 8 pages. Published by Hope Publishing Company.
Translation: Each lime you trill a song with Bill, or look at Will, I get a chill. 0-7692-9771-4. Solero. Lead Sheet.
Translation: Violin, range. D4-A5. MN0027881. Compatible. Star Wars - Violin.
Translation: Bill Russell. from Side Show. - Digital Sheet Music. from Side Show. Plan. Vocal.