Translation: In cases where there are two versions of a particular tune, both have been included. Big Rock Candy Mountain.
Translation: the Beatles. the Bee Gees. The Cars. The Doobie Brothers. The Who. The Eagles.
Translation: Most people know the tunes to hundreds of songs, but know the words to only a few. Acres of Clams.
Translation: The ultimate collection of over 1,000 folksongs perfect for performers, school teachers, and hobbyists. The Ash Grove.
Translation: If you like to sing with friends, this is the book you've always wanted. Acres of Clams. The Activity Room.
Translation: The Real Little Ultimate Broadway Fake Book - 5th Edition composed by Various. Beauty and the Beast. Big Spender.
Translation: All I Ask of You. At the Ballet. Beauty and the Beast. Before the Parade Passes By. The Quest.