Translation: Hal Leonard , Universal. 0-7579-0169-7. Lead Sheet.
Translation: The Ragtime . was an incredible American blues singer, songwriter and guitarist.
Translation: Ron Forbes-Roberts, David Hamburger, Ernie Hawkins, Steve James, Pete Madsen and Jerry Snyder.
Translation: Blues legend Big Bill Broonzy's story in his own words, as told to Yannick Bruynoghe.
Translation: Included in this program are the basics of the Delta blues of Robert Johnson, the ragtime style of Blind Blake. The Basics.
Translation: Kenny Sultan's approach is a little more laid-back that most methods, the lesson revolves around his 4 blues rules.
Translation: Big-voiced Big Bill Broonzy was a Fiddle-player who left the South in 1920 for Chicago.
Translation: Contains solos that will challenge intermediate and advanced fingerstyle guitarists.
Translation: " Her passionate singing and performing style and her songwriting influenced all the blues and jazz singers that followed. Guitar.
Translation: In this lesson, Stefan Grossman illustrates and explains seven famous ragtime blues instrumentals.
Translation: Fred Sokolow takes you from tuning up and your first chords, to rockin' the Blues in one 70-minute tutorial.