Translation: Published by Leonard Bernstein Music Publishing Co.. from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Choir sheet music. from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Translation: If ordering more than 10 copies, please call us on 44. 1284 725725 to check availability.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Take care of this house, keep it from harm. Bernstein Broadway Songs. - Digital Sheet Music. from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Translation: Published by Hal Leonard - Digital Sheet Music. HX.166316. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere.
Translation: Voice, Piano.
Translation: Choir sheet music. from Wonderful Town. 1918-1990. Arranged by Ed Lojeski. For Choral. SATB.
Translation: Choir sheet music. from Wonderful Town. 1918-1990. Arranged by Ed Lojeski. For Choral. SAB.
Translation: Choir sheet music. from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 1918-1990. Arranged by Arnold Freed. SA. SSA. SAB. Choral.
Translation: Published by Leonard Bernstein Music Publishing Co.. , Take Care of This House. Take Care Of This House. 1918-1990.
Translation: Die Originalversion von "In The Middle Of The House" wurde 1945 veroffentlicht. It's The Same Old Shillelag by Bing Crosby.