Translation: First part. Second part is Et ne despicias humiliter te petentem.
Translation: Thomas Ravenscroft. The Music of Thomas Ravenscroft - The Whole Booke of Psalmes. List of music.
Translation: Verses 1,3 and 5 have been set. Verses 2 and 4 to be sung in plainchant.
Translation: A Lent hymn transcribed from the Trent manuscript tr92.
Translation: Hymn at vespers in Lent.
Translation: Hymn for the first Sunday of Lent, at Vespers.
Translation: "Ah se in ciel benign stele" для голоса и фортепиано. WA Mozart.
Translation: Basso continuo. Sacred , Motet. Language. SATB. Second part.
Translation: No Jamaican lived. The 7th stanza of Petrarch's double-sestina Mia benign fortune.
Translation: The 7th stanza of Petrarch's double-sestina Mia benign fortune.
Translation: For SSAA choir. with optional string orchestra. Janet Galvan Women's Choral Series. Concert, General, Sacred. Eighth. LO.15-1820R.