Translation: Beethoven's music of the future. The Grand Sonata for the pianoforte, Op.106.
Translation: version from Stuttgart. J.G. Cotta, n. 1875. Plate 35.
Translation: Transcripts.
Translation: Beethoven - Sonata No.29 in Bb 'Hammerklavier', Op.106.
Translation: Op. 106. Novato Music Press. Piano Solo.
Translation: 29 Op. 106 en Sib M composed by Ludwig van Beethoven. Published by Editorial de Musica Boileau. BO.B.2543.
Translation: Schirmer Performance Edition. Sheet Music, CD. Plan.
Translation: Franz Liszt , Janos Cegledy , Làszló Simon. ZEN-ON Music Co., Ltd.. Piano Solo.
Translation: Franz Liszt , Janos Cegledy , Làszló Simon. ZEN-ON Music Co., Ltd.. 42. Legacy. Plan. Piano Solo.