Translation: Mendelssohn, Felix.
Translation: Do not be afraid if you people, GWV 1137.
Translation: Do not be afraid.
Translation: The "I will not be afraid" section is the only really difficult section in this piece. A cappella. Sacred , Anthem.
Translation: Be not afraid composed by Johann Christoph Bach. Fear not. Edited by Gunter Graulich. For SATTB choir, continuo.
Translation: Be not afraid composed by Johann Michael Bach. Not is afraid you. basso continuo. German title.
Translation: Be not afraid composed by Johann Michael Bach. Not is afraid you. basso continuo. This edition.
Translation: Be not afraid, I am with you composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. Not afraid you 9. 1685-1750. For SATB.
Translation: "Come, all ye shepherds, and be not afraid. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Christmas. Medium.
Translation: Vocal score notation and piano accompaniment. With vocal score notation and piano accompaniment. Allan Robert Petker.
Translation: Organ Accompaniment sheet music. For unison choir. Only. , SATB, organ.
Translation: Piano Accompaniment sheet music. For SATB choir, piano, flute. Augsburg Choral Library. Anthem. Choral octavo. 12 pages.
Translation: Famous melodies by Mozart, Rossini, Bizet, Puccini, and Verdi are cleverly set with humorous texts to teach. Phyllis Wolfe White.
Translation: Arranged by Douglas E. Wagner and Douglas Wagner. For SAB choir. Sacred, Funeral, Hope, General. Eighth. HP.A683.
Translation: As Adam Early in the Morning composed by Shase Leland Hernandez. For Soprano Voice, Tenor Voice. 21st Century.