Translation: Sz.74 Improvisiations on Hungarian Peasant Songs (Op.20).
Translation: Piano Solo sheet music. 1881-1945. For piano solo. Original Works. 20th Century, Hungarian. Score.
Translation: This version is the revised corrected edition, the extant sources and the existing edition having been compared again in full.
Translation: Composed by Bela Bartok. Piano Solo sheet music. Corrected Edition, 2002. 1881-1945. and B. For Piano. Plan. BH Piano. 24 pages.
Translation: Clarinet sheet music. Easy to Medium.
Translation: There is almost an improvisational feeling to this work. Piano Method sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Masterworks. Piano Solo.
Translation: Piano Solo sheet music. Essential piano repertoire from across the ages. Edited by John Lenehan. For solo piano. Graded Standard Repertoire.
Translation: Piano Solo sheet music. Beginning. Essential piano repertoire from across the ages. Edited by John Lenehan. For solo piano.
Translation: nurture their creativity and spontaneity through a user-friendly modular approach to improvisation. Christopher Norton.
Translation: The melodies in this book range from Mozart to Bartok and beyond, with exercises in improvisation and writing your own pieces.
Translation: Companion book for teaching and self-study. Companion book for teaching and self-study. Composed by Heinz-Christian Schaper.
Translation: Eternal Dance. Sheet Music. Piano Accompaniment. FLT. PFA. The majority of Eternal Dance is written in either 7.
Translation: 18-bar blues form with solo sections with optional improvisation. Cello sheet music. Viola sheet music. Violin sheet music. Advanced.
Translation: Russian . Eight Improvisations on Hungarian Peasant Songs, Op. 20. Russian . CD Sheet Music. Composed by Various.
Translation: Listening CD. Published by Hungaroton. ISBN 5991813105127. Release date. 88.
Translation: Musical Etudes for Vibraphone and Marimba and Other Instruments. For Percussion, Vibraphone, Mallets. Percussion. Softcover.
Translation: 24 Little Pieces, Op. 39 composed by Dmitri Kabalevsky. For Piano. Plan. BH Piano.