Translation: Bartok - For Children (rev.1944-45).
Translation: Ten Pieces composed by Bela Bartok. Hungarian Children's. Ten Pieces. Violin sheet music. 1881-1945. Arranged by Leo Weiner.
Translation: For 3 violins, viola, violoncello, bass. Fourteen Pieces. Cello sheet music. Viola sheet music. Violin sheet music.
Translation: composed by Bela Bartok. For 1 d1, 1, 1, 1 - 1, 1, 1, 0, percussion, strings. Hungarian Children's.
Translation: For violin. , Sz 42. Hungarian Folksongs. Piano sheet music. Violin Solo sheet music. 1881-1945.
Translation: For violin. , Sz 42. Ten Slovak Folksongs. Piano sheet music. Violin Solo sheet music. 1881-1945.
Translation: Volume 1 composed by Bela Bartok. 20th Century, Hungarian, Children's. For Children, Sz. 42.
Translation: Volume 2 composed by Bela Bartok. 20th Century, Hungarian, Children's. For Children, Sz. 42.
Translation: This series celebrates the rich legacy of music written for solo piano.