Translation: selections from 30 Pieces for Children , Op. 27. Clowning, A Little Prank, Lyric Piece, The Chase, Novelette.
Translation: Béla Bartók wrote his Two Portraits in 1908 and this is the second portrait named Egy Torz. for Clarinet Choir. Clarinet sheet music.
Translation: The Orchestra Musician's CD-ROM Library, Volume 8. The Orchestra Musician's CD-ROM Library.
Translation: Belwin Beginning String Orchestra. Suite. Grade 1.
Translation: The shared point of departure was the hommage to three major composers of the 20th century – Bartok, Lutoslawski and Sibelius.
Translation: When Hungarian composer Bela Bartok. The first occurs in the clarinets in measure 7, and is only four bars in length.