Translation: notes and tabs. Main sheet music.
Translation: Augustin Barrios Mangore.
Translation: Vals, Op. 8, No. 3 composed by AgustÃn Barrios MangorÃ. Edited by Richard D. Stover. Only. Sheet.
Translation: n Barrios' most popular recordings chosen from his Odeon electric recordings from 1928-1929. o en la floresta, Vals op.
Translation: Acoustic Guitar sheet music. Classical Guitar sheet music. Martha Masters - GFA Winner 2000 composed by Martha Masters. Classical.
Translation: This landmark edition, by Barry Cooper, satisfies the exacting requirements of performer, teacher, and scholar. Op. 28.
Translation: This landmark edition, by Barry Cooper, satisfies the exacting requirements of performer, teacher, and scholar.
Translation: Complete Works of Agustin Barrios Mangore for Guitar Vol. 2 edited by Rico Stover. Tango No. 2.
Translation: Испанский танец, Op.5. Study, Op. 60, No. 3. Bagatelle No. 1. Grand Solo Op. 14.