Translation: The National Anthem. - Concert Band with optional strings. Peter Dobbs McCormick. wind band. Brendan Elliget.
Translation: baritone 1. baritone 2. Patrick Verhaegen. Concert band. wind band.
Translation: baritone 1. baritone 2. Concert band. wind band. Patrick Verhaegen.
Translation: baritone. for fanfare band. Patrick Verhaegen. Concert band. wind band.
Translation: bass clarinet. bassoon. clarinet 1.
Translation: baritone bc. wind band. alto sax 1. alto sax 2 & alto clarinet. bass clarinet.
Translation: baritone. baritone. march for fanfare band. Concert band. wind band.
Translation: baritone 1. baritone 2. wind band. bc.
Translation: for wind band. Patrick Verhaegen. Concert band. wind band.
Translation: alt sax 1. alt sax 2. bassoon.
Translation: baritone 1. baritone 2. trombone Bb tc 1. trombone Bb tc 2. trombone Bb tc 3. march for fanfare band.
Translation: trombone Bb tc 2. tuba Bb tc. tuba Eb tc. for wind band. Patrick Verhaegen.
Translation: baritone 1. baritone 2. Patrick Verhaegen. wind band. bas Bb bc.
Translation: trombone Bb tc 1. trombone Bb tc 2. trombone Bb tc 3. march for wind band.
Translation: baritone 2. baritone 1. Concert band. wind band. high.
Translation: trombone Bb tc. march for wind band. Patrick Verhaegen. Concert band.
Translation: baritone saxophone, bass. 3 parts optional percussion. Concert band. wind band. Patrick Verhaegen.
Translation: baritone bc. Patrick Verhaegen. wind band. alto sax. bells. clarinet 1.