Translation: The Barbarian.
Translation: The Barbarian in the Garden of Harmonious.
Translation: Outside the Barbarians. Outside the Barbarians. Mario Castelnuovo-German. Composed by Mario Castelnuovo-German.
Translation: Composers in Focus is a series of original piano collections celebrating the creative artistry of contemporary composers.
Translation: To prove we're not barbarians, they dress us up like savages. Solero. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: These contemporary compositions are highly appealing and feature a wide variety of delightful images and moods. For students of all ages.
Translation: March From The Northern Hills is an orchestral piece in 5. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go.
Translation: The Battle. The Might of Rome. Also includes a fantastic 8-page section featuring full-color photos from the film.
Translation: Perfect for festivals and recitals, the albums in this series are invaluable additions to any piano teacher's library.
Translation: In the composer's words. He Walks Beneath the Stars. Of the Scythians. The Man With Night Sweats. Ned Rorem.
Translation: Emerson, Lake . This was the historic moment when Emerson Lake and Palmer performed for the first time since 1998.
Translation: Trade. The discs also include biographical and analytical information from Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians , 1911 Edition.