Translation: 12 arias and songs from Schemellis Hymns for general occasions. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: 12 arias and songs from Schemellis Hymns for general occasions. Scores.
Translation: And do not weep and be in silence, BWV 512. 12 arias and songs from Schemellis Hymns for general occasions.
Translation: 12 arias and songs from Schemellis Hymns for general occasions. Lasset uns mit Jesu ziehen, BWV 481.
Translation: I keep faithfully silent, BWV 466. 12 arias and songs from Schemellis Hymns for general occasions. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: 12 arias and songs from Schemellis Hymns for general occasions. Steh' ich bei meinem Gott in unverrückten Gnaden, BWV 503.
Translation: 12 arias and songs from Schemellis Hymns for general occasions. Wie wohl ist mir, o Freund der Seelen, BWV 517.
Translation: JS Bach -- Come, Sweet Death. "Come, Sweet Death, Come Blessed Rest" for Organ and Choir. Magatagan, Mike.
Translation: Come, souls, this day. German. SATB.
Translation: Plan. Language. SATB. Come, souls, this day. BWV 479.
Translation: J.S. Bach. for High Voice. String quartet. Gerald Manning. Violet. Violin I. Violin II. Cello. Voice.
Translation: My Jesus. from Schemelli's song-book. from Schemelli's song-book. Large score composed by Johann Sebastian Bach.