Translation: Bach's cantata for Jubilate Sunday , first performed at Weimar on 22 April, 1714. Mixed together. Violin I. II, Viola I.
Translation: 3 Trumpets in C, Oboe, Violin I and II, Viola, Bassoon, Continuo.
Translation: Trumpet, Flute, Oboe and String orchestra. Brandenburg Concerto No. 2. Main sheet music. Violet. Violin. Violino I.
Translation: Trumpet, Flute, Oboe and String orchestra. Brandenburg Concerto No.2 in F major. Full Scores. Recorder solo. F alto.
Translation: Trumpet, Flute, Oboe and String orchestra. Main sheet music.
Translation: for Bb Trumpet, Oboe, French Horn & Cello. Air. BWV 128 No 4. Brass Quartet. Magatagan, Mike. Air. BWV 128 No 4.
Translation: for Oboe, Trumpet & Cello. Air. BWV 199 No 2. Magatagan, Mike. Air. "Stumme Seufzer, stille Klagen". BWV 199 No 2.
Translation: Trumpet I-III, Timpani, Flute I. , BWV 249 Oratorium Festo Paschali. II, Violin o I. II, Viola, Continuo. Sacred, Cantata, Oratorio.
Translation: Heart and Mouth and Deed and Life. Trumpet, Oboe I. II, Oboe d'amore, oboe hunting I. II, Viola, Continuo.
Translation: Praise God in his rich. Trumpet I-III, Timpani, Flute I. II, Violin I. Sacred, Cantata, Oratorio. German. SATB.
Translation: , Oboe da Caccia 1, 2. Trumpet 1, 2, 3. Christmas Oratorio. BWV 248. Choir and Orchestra. Complete Full Scores. Part 1.
Translation: Trumpet 3. Oboe 2. Cantata for the Feast of the Ascension. Cantata N. 43. BWV 43. Orchestra, Voice.
Translation: Trumpet I in Bb part. Trumpet II in Bb part. Oboe I revised part. Oboe II revised part. Fugue no.
Translation: Orchestral Suite No.3 in D major. BWV 1068. Orchestra. Complete score. Keyboard. Violins I.