Translation: Let, Princess, let still a beam, BWV 198.
Translation: Bach, Johann Sebastian. Let, Princess, let still a beam, BWV 198.
Translation: 12 arias and songs from Schemellis Hymns for general occasions.
Translation: I will not let thee go except thou bless me because.
Translation: Air. My Jesus I'll not leave. Only each his own, BWV 163. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: My Jesus I'll not leave, BWV 124.
Translation: Lass, o world, me in contempt. Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen, BWV 123. Air.
Translation: My soul let the wings, BWV Anh.35. 7 Spiritual Odes and a poem, BWV Anh.32-39.
Translation: Let me grace.